PicaPica bridges East and West, and explores untold tales of Chinese entrepreneurs and China’s startup superstars.
PicaPica is run by:
Hanyang Wang (aka. MornMushroom), wearing more hats than there are in a hat shop. Serial entrepreneur, contributing writer at LatePost and host at LateTalk, host and producer of two other Chinese podcasts - MonsLog and techreview.social. Part-time photographer and hobbist herpetologist. At PicaPica, Hanyang interviews, probes, and tell stories in Mandarin.
Mavis Wang (aka. Huhu/糊糊), crafting lemonade from life's unexpected lemons after relocating to Toronto from Beijing. Growth and innovation strategist, content creator, MBA new grad. Host and producer of Casticle and one English show in the works. At PicaPica, Mavis edits, pivots, and channels thoughts in English.
Mamiya 7ii + Portra 400, shot at the Forbidden City in Beijing in 2022
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东西南北之人也。 你就把我当傻逼 爱好📖🎿🐢🐍🦎🚁 主要聊技术、东北近代史和日本战后思想史,偶谈各类神学和艺术。For English @MornMushroom
The Morning Mushroom knows nothing of the dawn and twilight.
Writing, talking, and building AAAny.